Service Area

San Francisco and the Bay Area, CA

Service Area

San Francisco and the Bay Area, CA

(415) 699-7743
A Man And Woman Laughing

Assisting Homeowners in Need

American Property Solutions serves as a valuable resource for homeowners seeking swift solutions to sell their properties promptly. Understanding that there are situations where selling a property becomes necessary, we offer a streamlined house-buying process that can typically close within seven days. We use private funds to close fast and close on the date of your choice. 

Our clientele comprises homeowners facing the daunting prospect of foreclosure, often stemming from challenges in meeting mortgage payments. Common triggers for these situations include job loss, income reduction, health-related issues inhibiting work, or major life events such as divorce or loss of a family member. Any of these reasons can cause someone to fall behind in payments, and our company specializes in locating and looking for distressed homeowners who may need our help.